Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Battling between Nikon and Canon

Tough competition between Nikon and Canon. (Photograph by Kulsoom Ali)

Not long ago, I was advocating the Nikon brand for Digital SLR (Single Lens Reflex) cameras. Now, it has become history. With a sudden twist in the scoop, I have right away turned into a supporter of the Canon brand for the same. All owing to the Canon EOS 450D I won in a raffle draw at PhotoWorld Dubai Exhibition, held early April 2008.

Well, the excitement to write is not about the win. It is very amusing to discover human nature – the moment a human turns into an owner of something, that very possession HAS to be the best since he owns it. Since the mastermind invention of Digital SLRs, I have always been familiarized with the Nikon brand. Combining the manual and digital features in one body with a great digital charisma, I decided to own a Nikon D40x (Now D60) for personal use (before I proudly owned a Canon).

Seeking ‘good words’ for the aforementioned model from others, very few encouraged me for the brand. Many people whom I referred to for sincere advice said, ‘You Can, Canon!’ In other words, they meant buy a Canon. Among the people I sought advice was Jisha Nair, the renowned fashion photographer and two other professional photographers based in Abu Dhabi. Not wanting to revolute my decision from a Nikon to a Canon, I toned-deaf myself for the recommendations.

A glimpse of the stalls at PhotoWorld Exhibition, 2008. (Photograph by Kulsoom Ali)

And alas, a change of opinion within a single day – courtesy the Canon win at the PhotoWorld Exhibition. This set me on the task to explore the differences between Nikon and Canon, something that I should have done earlier before my good fate ruptured with a big surprise.

The Grand Stores (Nikon dealers in the UAE) and Canon store neighborly exhibited their stands at the PhotoWorld Exhibition. It was a perfect spell to dig differences and features of the products stemming from the two. It was also best in terms of gauging the demographics of the target audience at each stand.

Yes You Can, Canon! (Photograph by Kulsoom Ali)

Barring Olympus, Sony and Fuji, Canon and Nikon are the competing brands in Digital SLRs - they are as good as each other. The second morning at the exhibition did not see much of a hubbub at both stands but by the end of the closing of the show, both managed to entice huge crowds. Each effectively employed public relation skills that indirectly were aimed at boosting sales and name.

I revisited the exhibition around closing time on the final day to collect my camera. A Lamborghini was exhibited at the Grand Stores with a stylish and classy female model to attract visitors. There was more to this at the Canon stand. Different models of Canon cameras were fixed on tripods for visitors to experiment with. The cameras pointed towards a motorbike on display with two scantily dressed and sexually appealing women who were inviting visitors to pose for a shoot with them. Who would refuse a heartfelt invitation from sensual females? So, Canon managed to magnetize a larger crowd in addition to the raffle draw they held for three days – where I emerged lucky to seize the precious prize on the second day.

Much said about the duo, the features and results of the two remain almost alike. In fact, I was pleased to hear the salesperson at Canon stand admit (wished to remain anonymous) that there are many features in Nikon products that are up-to-the mark and are yet to be accomplished in Canon products.

But in the end be it Nikon or Canon, ‘it’s the eye that matters more than the lens’. Creativity springs from the brains within and not necessarily from the lens of the camera – which after all is the man-made replica of our ingenious human eye.